You Matter Foundation, Inc.

Goal: $10,000.00

Specific Need

Welcome to the You Matter Foundation, Inc.

The You Matter Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to changing lives, donating time to causes such as supporting domestic violence survivors, and advancing humanity through various nonprofit initiatives. My mission is to better society and humanity by providing education and training in trauma-informed care, peer support, collaboration, and empowerment to all individuals including children, individuals, families, aging adults, and people with disabilities in need of services.  At the core of my organization is the belief that everyone matters, regardless of their circumstances.

Partner with YMF, Donate Towards the YMF Mission

Your support is crucial in helping make a positive impact on society and in the lives of those I serve. Partnering with YMF by making a donation, you are contributing to the empowerment and well-being of individuals in need. Together, we can create a more compassionate and supportive community where everyone feels seen, heard and valued.

Scholarships for Those in Need

I am proud to offer scholarships to individuals transitioning out of shelters and to nonprofits that align with our mission and values. These scholarships provide access to peer support, trauma informed care and practices, situational awareness and self-defense training.  Also, resources that can empower individuals to rebuild their lives and create a brighter future. Your donations help fund these scholarships and support those who need it most.

Your Contribution Makes a Difference

Your charitable contributions will be dedicated to supporting initiatives that focus on teaching individuals how to set healthy boundaries emotionally and physically. Specifically, your donations will help provide journals, encouragement bracelets, and encouragement cards for children, teens and individuals who have experienced or witnessed abuse. These resources play a crucial role in empowering individuals to navigate their emotions and experiences in a healthy and positive way.

Empowering Through Education

In addition to supporting emotional well-being, your contributions will also help purchase equipment and resources for teaching situational awareness and self-defense skills. These skills are essential for individuals in shelters, domestic violence survivors, and nonprofits, empowering them to protect themselves and others in challenging situations.

Making a Global Impact

Your support enables me to go on mission trips within the United States and other countries, where I provide trauma-informed care and comprehensive situational awareness training to individuals in need. These mission trips aim to empower individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience and awareness in all aspects of their well-being.  In 2023 I went on a mission trip to Belize to teach and encourage healthy mental and physical boundaries to children who are most at risk or are recovering from exploitation and trauma.

Investing in Impact

Your contributions also support:

1. Providing resources for education and training programs in trauma-informed care, peer support, collaboration, and empowerment.

2. Funding initiatives that promote situational awareness and teach self-defense skills to individuals in need.

3. Supporting outreach programs to raise awareness about important issues and advocate for positive change in society.

4. Investing in technology and resources to enhance the organization's ability to reach and impact more people.

5. Allocating funds for administrative and operational expenses to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization and its programs.

Join the You Matter Foundation, Inc. in Creating Change

Your contributions play a crucial role in supporting mission trips and empowering individuals worldwide with trauma-informed care and comprehensive situational awareness. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve and contribute to a more compassionate and aware society.

Thank you for considering supporting the You Matter Foundation, Inc. Your generosity helps extend our reach and positively impact individuals around the world. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.


The mission of the You Matter Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to helping others, victims and survivors conquer past, current and future trauma with healing, empowerment and freedom through teaching, support and advocacy.  


I'm Susie Delo founder of "YOU MATTER FOUNDATION INC", a non-profit dedicated to mental and physical self-defense, and enthusiastic about others succeeding in life. I'm on a mission to motivate and encourage others that their journey in life Matters.

The You Matter Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing trauma-informed care, empowerment, and support to individuals of all ages, including children, families, aging adults, and people with disabilities. Your donations help fund scholarships, resources for emotional well-being, and training in situational awareness and self-defense skills. Join me in creating positive change and making a global impact through mission trips and local outreach programs. Together, we can empower individuals and create a brighter future for all. Thank you for considering supporting the You Matter Foundation, Inc.

Photos & Videos

Susie Delo Founder of You Matter Foundation Inc.
Susie Delo Founder of You Matter Foundation Inc.
$1,030.52 received
in 19 gifts
10.31%  of  $10,000.00 Goal


13211 Laurel Dr., Apt. 1357
Meadville, PA 16335
Phone: (814) 573-3011

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